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Our Medical Services



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Our Medical Services



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Skilled Doctors & Nurses

We Have


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Skilled Doctors & Nurses

We Have


Opening Hours

Monday – Friday (8.00 – 17.00)

Emergency Case

We Have Experienced Doctors

24/7 Hours Service

+ 88000 566677

Welcome To MediLink.
Central Hospital

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Choose the best for your health

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We are the trusted experts things simple

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Efficency 80%
Experience 90%
Experience 70%

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Highest Quality

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Always Smiling

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প্রেগন্যান্সি পরীক্ষা কেন গুরুত্বপূর্ণ

প্রেগন্যান্সি নিশ্চিত করার জন্য একটি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ পদক্ষেপ হলো মাসিক মিস হওয়ার পর সময়মতো সঠিক পরীক্ষা করা। সাধারণত, মাসিক চক্র নিয়মিত…

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    we help patients with many different foot and ankle conditions. Please see the list below to learn the common foot and ankle conditions we treat and how our physical therapy can help you live a better life.

    • Fractures
    • Sprain / Strain
    • Post-surgery Rehab
    • Instability
    • Plantar Fasciitis
    • Achilles Tendonitis

    How Physical Therapy Helps

    Physical therapy is very important in the rehabilitative process to help you regain normal range of motion, reduce swelling, resolve pain and regain function of your ankle and foot.

    Physical therapy is gentle and will help you quickly resolve your pain and restore your function. Improvement in range of motion, strength, stability, walking and running will occur. With physical therapy, you can make a complete recovery quickly and safely.

    Foot and Ankle

    we help patients with many different foot and ankle conditions. Please see the list below to learn the common foot and ankle conditions we treat and how our physical therapy can help you live a better life.

    • Fractures
    • Sprain / Strain
    • Post-surgery Rehab
    • Instability
    • Plantar Fasciitis
    • Achilles Tendonitis

    How Physical Therapy Helps

    Physical therapy is very important in the rehabilitative process to help you regain normal range of motion, reduce swelling, resolve pain and regain function of your ankle and foot.

    Physical therapy is gentle and will help you quickly resolve your pain and restore your function. Improvement in range of motion, strength, stability, walking and running will occur. With physical therapy, you can make a complete recovery quickly and safely.

    Wrist and Hand

    we help patients with many different wrist and hand conditions. Please see the list below to learn the common wrist and hand conditions we treat and how our physical therapy can help you live a better life.

    • Fractures
    • Colles’ Fractures
    • Scaphoid Fractures

    How Physical Therapy Helps

    During the healing phase typically in a cast or after surgery, the fingers, wrist and elbow become very stiff, range of motion and strength are lost. Physical therapy is very important in the rehabilitative process to help you regain normal range of motion, reduce swelling, resolve pain and regain function of your hand and wrist.

    Physical therapy is gentle and will help you quickly resolve your pain and restore your function. With physical therapy, you can make a complete recovery quickly and safely.


    we help patients with many different back pain conditions. Please see the list below to learn the common back pain conditions we treat and how our physical therapy can help you live a better life.


    • Sprain / Strain
    • Low Back Pain
    • Mid Back Pain
    • Sciatica and Radiating Pain
    • Spinal Arthritis and Spinal Stenosis
    • Herniated or Bulging Disc
    • Osteoporosis
    • Spondylolisthesis
    • Degenerative Diseases
    • Compression Fractures
    • Post-surgery Rehab

    How Physical Therapy Helps

    Physical therapy is one of the best choices to treat back pain. By addressing the main issue, your normal back movement and strength can be restored. Our physical therapists focus on your posture, spinal mobility, strength, flexibility and the way you move your body. As we observe and measure these indicators, we can detect weak areas and evaluate where your primary problem is coming from.

    A thorough plan is then worked out to address your core issues and relieve your low back pain quickly. This allows you to have fast pain relief, improving your spinal range of motion and body strength. We also focus on prevention of future injuries and educate you on proper poster and body mechanic techniques.